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10:00 AM

Dynamic insert options

Insert options, everybody know what does mean :) This is the place where we can make content editor life happier. We can prepare options in Content Editor context menu, to add new item based on some dedicated template.
It looks like image below.

Ok, so we have insert option, we have even put there some our custom template to create datasources. But what if we want to have only one instance of this item in this particular place ? Insert option allows to put as many we can, it doesn't say "Mate, only one is possible here". Is it possible to do that?

Well, yes it is :)

To make this dynamic option, we will use Rule Engine in Sitecore!

1. Rules for Insert Options.

To find rules we have to go to the path:

 /sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Insert Options/Rules 

 In that place we can find something looks like:

To create new item, just click on Rules parent item and chose "Insert Option Rule". When we create this item, we can go to the field "Rule" and click it. This action will open a dialog when we can build our custom rule.

2. Rules Queries

Rules can as custom as we want. Only constraint can be your imagination. In our case it will be condition, if item (as an instance of our template) has been already added to this particular place, or not. To do that we can write query like:

Voilà, we have dynamic insert option in our application and new friends in content editor team :)
11:52 AM

SUGCON 2017 Memories

Few weeks ago, exactly 17th May, me and my "Sitecore" friends went to Amsterdam to SUGCON 2017. It was first time when I was attending to this event and I have to say it was really good time there. I've gather news from presentation, meet new friends and see in 'real life' old ones ;)

In this short post I would like to share with my SUGCON 2017 memories :)

First impression ?

Amsterdam of course, before Sugcon I was only on Schipol airport during transfer flights. But it was nice to visit other places :) Lots of bikes, beautiful canals and lovely architecture. After this everyone of us was in good mood to start with Sitecore part of the trip.


So many kind person which love Sitecore, the atmosphere of celebration was in the air. I've have a few talks with guys from other countries and share our experience and ideas according to particular Sitecore topics.

I have to highlight food.. nobody was hungry I assume :)


The main part whole conference, presentation. It was so motivating to hear information about JS services in Sitecore or Publishing Services also great presentation. I hope that nobody will be angry on my but I admire Bas Lijten & Rob Habraken who has build own robot to show each conference that channels in Sitecore means everything. we can say sky is the limit. Amazing job Bas & Rob and of course say hello to Robbie :)


we had great opportunity get to know each other more on afterparty organized by Mirabeau
company. The made their office available for all conference attendees. It was a pleasure to be there :) Especially they serve even the food :) Really good job guys !

At the end I'm in 100% sure that was good decision to went to Amsterdam. Great place, great news and what the most important great people. We gonna meet on the next conferences I hope. Remember, if you are not sure, it means you should go!

See you there !