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Sitecore 9.0.2 SXA 1.7.1 Azure PaaS ARM installation

During installation SXA 1.7.1 with Sitecore (in this case version 9.0.2) we have defined parameter which we have to fill in our module package in parameters file.
According to docs and default sitecore ARM templates those parameters are:

Ok, so we have them. So let's check what files we can download as a part of SXA scwdp packages:

So we see that we should also have "solrSupportSxaMsDeployPackageUrl". Where it is?
- Well, nowhere.

- Becuase it's not needed :) 

It was doing only thing like:

Since Sitecore 9.0.2 support Solr by default from ARM templates, additional packages since that version are not needed. In SXA version 1.8 is even removed. 
So, to omit that you can do something like:
"modules": {
  "value": {
    "items": [{      
        "name": "sxa",
          "templateLink": "new link"

I hope it will help,


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